Friday, August 27, 2010

First classmate-response blog assignment

This is something that I found on Leon's blog that I thought has a good relation to the ASTI constitution:

It was until I grew older when I started doing what those kids did to me back then and bully little kids in school, I finally understood why they would bully a kid like me. I guess it was because people like me who had enough of being bullied and harassed, so we would bully and harass others who are weaker than us to have our anger that was stored inside of us from all the harassment done by others to release it on them.

I thought this was quote was interesting because it allowed me to see his views of what bullying is and why people would bully others. From what he said, it made me wonder what influenced ASTI students to behave in such a way that bullying had to be involved in the first place. Leon mentioned that people bully because they need to release their anger, sadness, fear, and other bottled up emotions on someone. In a way, I agree with Leon because just like him, this had happened to me in my life too. My head was filled with rage, and I took it out on the people around me.

This statement that Leon wrote in his blog made me realize more that it is our emotions that drives us to bully others in the first place. However, this is why we made the ASTI constitution. Two of the points in the ASTI constitution are to think before you act and to incorporate positive things toward others. In my opinion, these two points are great ways that allow us to be able to control our emotion within us. By following the constitution, we are able to make the ASTI community a safe and bully-free environment for the longest time.

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