Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Response to "Stage Fright!!!!!"

This is something interesting that I found in David's blog that I would like to talk about:
When I am nervous, I also forget my train of thought. That's why when I try to say something, I usually end up saying never mind or that I will go a little bit off topic.
I have experience this many times when I was a kid. I think this is pretty common among people because I see many people that stumble a lot whenever they are nervous. There was this one time when I had to present something important to a lot of people, and I ended up stumbling many times because I kept losing my train of thought. When this happens, I contradict myself a lot and sometime I even start rambling random stuff that I don't even understand. Although, this has happen to me countless of times, I came up with many different ways that helped me to overcome this.

The first way that I came up with that helped me to overcome this was to relax the body before presenting or speaking. I just take a deep breath, and calm myself by thinking something positive. Thinking positive really helps because it built confidence in oneself and get rid of any uneasiness feeling. The second way that I came up with that helped was whenever I start to lose my train of thought, I just slow down and take my time to slowly flow in my words until I get back to the right track. Stumbling and rambling occurs because I'm forcing and pressuring myself to get back to the right track, and this doesn't work at all. I have to take my time, and just be calm by relaxing my body. The last way that I came up with that helped is just to be really prepare before speaking before a crowd of people. Being really prepare brings confidence that make me feel that i'll do good, and this would allow me to not to be nervous. If I present something that is not prepared yet, of course i'll be nervous since it would create a possibility for me to make a fool of myself in front of many people.

In conclusion, these are some of the ways that helped me to overcome my nervousness and I hoped that these ways can help David to overcome his too.

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