Friday, September 17, 2010

Response to "The Most Annoying Day"

This is something that I found in Jay's blog that I could definitely relate to:
Tuesday, was one of the weirdest and most annoying days that I had so far. I started off going to school, without getting enough sleep. I almost ended falling asleep in math class right in front of Mrs. McCoy.
Whenever I don't get enough sleep, everything just becomes one big nuisance to me. I'll feel drowsy and it would always make me don't want to pay attention to anything around me. This is a really bad result since if I don't want pay attention to anything, I am most likely to go to sleep in class which will probably get me in trouble by the teacher. After reading Jay's blog, I think he feels the same way as me when he doesn't get enough sleep too. This is probably the reason why Tuesday was annoying for him.

During my eighth grade year, whenever I don't get enough sleep, I always end up sleeping in class. I would always get into big trouble, and the whole day would always annoy the heck out of me. Everything became a blur, and the only thing that was in my mind at the time was to sleep. When I got home from one of those kind of days, I always went to sleep right away. This problem had stayed with me for awhile, but one day, I felt much better because I manage to find a solution: drinking coffee with a large amount of sugar mixed into it. Regular Coffee don't help at all, but if you put a large of sugar in it then it would work like a charm. It helped me to stay awake, and I manage to go through the whole day at school without falling asleep at all. To this very day, I still use this strategy whenever I don't get enough sleep. So this is what I would recommend for Jay and whoever out there that get annoy about their day because of lack of sleep: just drink coffee with a lot of sugar in it. It also very tasty too.

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