Friday, November 12, 2010

Response to "After A Sicky Week"

This is something interesting that I found in Grizzell's blog post that I wanted to talk about:
I'm so tired, i needed to catch up with everybody else since i did not go to school for a whole week.-I am just out of brain juice, this is why i hate missing school because i do not get to learn new things and i have to catch with everybody else also doing the missed work with the current work. I am just about to quit, but no i have to stay.
From my own personal experience, I know how hard it is to catch up work after missing a day or couple of days of school. There was a time when I got really sick during my years in middle school. I remember I was out for a couple of days, and when I came back to school there was so much content in each classes that I missed and I had to make up. This made me had to rushed and complete everything quickly in order to reach the place where my classmates were at. I also had to schedule a day with my teachers to make up for the tests that I missed when I was gone. All of these things caused me to feel really stressful, and it made me realize how important it is to not miss a day in school.

In a way, I realize that this was nothing compared to what Grizzell probably had to go through. She missed a week of “ASTI” and I remember hearing that when you miss a day of ASTI is like missing a couple of days from a normal high school. So even though I had to go through a moment of stress when I was in middle school, I don't really have the right to say that I know how Grizzell feel. I never missed a day of ASTI which is good thing because I have no idea what I would do if I had to experience the moment of stress that I had back in middle school but 10 times more since it is ASTI. I think that I would be so stressed that it might just kill me. I really respect grizzell for not giving up and how she continued to work hard to make up for all the work that she missed. I hope that she feels a lot better now, and to continue to work hard in ASTI.

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