Friday, November 5, 2010

Response to "Grant Mehserle Verdict"

This is something interesting that I found in Jackson's blog post that I would like to talk about:
I believe that this shows the legal system of the United States and how it is operated. A police officer can get away with anything. No matter what, they always have an excuse because they have the law on their side. This is why so many people are upset over the case. They see this connection too and are angered by it. That is why tonight, there are going to be numerous protests, all because of this unjust case verdict.
This is a regard to the Grant Mehserle case which has finally come to a close today. The outcome was completely unfair; Mehserle was charged with only two years in prison for involuntary manslaughter when it was clearly showed in a video that he did it on purpose. I agree with Jackson completely on this matter of how the legal system of United States is really bias and unfair. The legal system is corrupted and it is because of all the bias that is filled within the human heart in our modern society. Although there are many people out there in the world that are good, there are always people out there that are bad too. People are not perfect which make their system not perfect, but I have fate that people can actually make the system better than how it is today.

What I saw happening today was not the type of legal system that I would want for this country, what I truly want for a ideal legal system is that it is well structured that give equality to every person in this world; no matter which race or gender. This also ties into justice, and the true meaning of justice. Many lawyers in the world today lost the meaning of what true justice is, and all they cared about is winning a case for the money and power status. This is one of biggest reason why I hate lawyers so much, and ironically I hope to be a lawyer myself someday. When I do become a lawyer, I will not fall in the category of lawyers that I despise so much but instead i'm willing to become one that can make this legal system of our country a better one for all.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly admire what you've written here. I think your perspective is open-hearted and, given your determination to enter into a huge legal system you see as corrupt and fight to change it from within, brave as hell.

    Standing ovation.
