Friday, January 21, 2011

Political Power

This blog post is about whether the gaining of power corrupts the person or not. In my opinion, it really depends on the person or in this case “the animal” to see if they get corrupted when attaining a lot of power. There are good and bad people all around the world which means there would always be different possibilities of what the outcome of a country would come to depending on the person ruling it. If a person has a bad sense of moral then the country would most likely is doom to fall while a country is being rule by a person with good sense of moral, the country probably flourish and stay harmonious.

There are many reasons why people would abuse this power and it doesn't necessary mean that certain person have to be bad person. One reason that a person might be corrupted by power is because of greed. All human contain greed within them and depending on the person, this greed can either be really big or really small. When a person has a big sense of greediness, that person has a high chance of being corrupted by power since that person would always want more than they already have which ultimately would cause a country to be destroyed. Another reason why people would abuse their power is because some people are really selfish. Similar to greed, a person that is really selfish would not able to create a “equal” society, instead it is most likely to cause a country to be destroyed also.

If I could gain this kind of power, I would share this kind of power with friends. This way I can stay away from being greedy and selfish which would overall be good for a country because I believe a country should be ruled by different people which thus enable the country to grow and prosper.

If George Orwell would answer this question, I think his answer would probably similar to mine about that it really depends on the person. Two examples of this is when he uses a old pig named major in his book “Animal farm” to reveal the idea of animalism:
“And above all, no animal must ever tyrannies over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are brothers.” (Page 31)
“No animal muse ever kill any other animal. All animals are equal” (Page 32)

These quotes form the story show that in a way, George Orwell believe that there could have been a different way of how this book would ended up if major was still alive. By killing the pig off, Orwell was able to create new possibilities of new animals being the ruler with a bad sense of moral which causes the idea of animalism that old major explained into contradiction within itself.

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