Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chapter 11

After much argument, the farmers stormed out of the house. They soon rushed out of the house and not far behind was Napoleon trying to apologize. "Its too late!" One of the farmer said with great emphasis. "Get ready animals because we are going to assemble more farmers then ever to take out animal farm once and for all." The war between farmers and animals was on. Napoleon looked at the animals and thought for a moment. For the first time, he looked genuinely worried. Napoleon finally spoke and said: "Comrades! We must protect our freedom. We must fight like we never fought before!"

After his short address, Napoleon rushed into the house to make plans. the animals gathered and decided on what to do. some animals seemed brainwashed and insisted on fighting. However, many of the old animals were tired of their treatment. Their plan was to surrender when the humans returned and not face anymore bloodshed. The younger animals didn't, and persisted on with Napoleon's lead.

Before long, the humans arrived in a van. At least twenty farmers emerged. Napoleon had prepared for this by standing on top of the house giving our orders to the animals to attack. The older animals did not move for the reason of that they were tied of all of this. the younger animals didn't move either. They were scared because never had a real battle before. Napoleon was furious. he started yelling with the rest of the pigs at the animals threatening no foods, freedom, etc... the animals stayed where they were. The humans held off shooting the animals and slowly walked the pigs. A sudden shot from one of farmer's gun went off. blood was spurting out in the air, and Napoleon fell right to the ground. The animals were silent after they saw their leader, Napoleon, fell to the ground. The humans stepped even closer to the other pigs. One by one, gun shots were fired. One by one, the pigs begin to fall. Blood from the pigs was spilled everywhere while the animals just stared in silence.

The silence from the animals were soon broken and they went wild. Each and every animal ran for their dear life. two days later, Animal farm was completely annihilated. Moses the raven had led the animals to safety. News had broke out everywhere that great Napoleon was no more along with the great animal famr. All of the animals that managed to escaped with moses camped by a nearby waterfall. They were all confused on what to do next. When Moses saw that they were all in such turmoil, he shook his head and flew right above their head. he began to talk:
"Comrades! Don't let this defeat saddens you! Napoleon was a cruel and hateful leader along with all the other pigs. Don't let their death turn you down!"
At hearing those very words, the crowd of animals grumbled in disagreement. Moses continued on:

"Comrades! Let us start a new life and we shall soar to freedom! I promise great fame and glory for those of you that decided to follow me!"

All of the animals turned to each other, and wondered if they should listened to the raven. Moses persisted on:

"I have lived in the farm for many years now. I know what is necessary for us animals to live in complete freedom."

He soon flapped his wings wildly. The animals looked amazed at the raven. They were surprised that they have never notice how amazing flying really is.

"Comrades! I'll teach you how to fly and I promise you that it will bring you eternal glory! Follow me to the edge of the waterfall."

The animals was brainwashed by those incredible words coming out of the raven. They soon followed and stand right at the edge of the waterfall. They began to follow Mose's instructions. It went the following:

1. Lay flat on the ground.
2. Stick out your legs forward.
3. Hop out of the edge of the waterfall.
4. Say the following: "long live Moses!"

And so the animals did just that. One by one, they mindlessly began to fall off the waterfall while at the same time yelling "long live Moses". Moses gave out a snicker and flew toward the sunset squawking.

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