Saturday, October 16, 2010

Precious Moments Worth Fighting for...

What is a precious moment? It is a moment in our life that we can truly feel happy and warm inside of our heart. It can be more than one moment of your life that you feel is truly important and that you can never forget about it for the rest of your life. For me, most of my precious moments are consist of hanging out with my closest friends. Those moments are the time when I feel truly happy and just laugh freely without having to worry about anything at all. Precious moments are also times that you always want to experience again. It is a time in your life that makes you feel like life is truly worth living.

There are also many factors that can contribute as obstacles between people and their precious moments. These things can consist of moving away, complications that someone may have in their life, not enough time, etc... In a way, even though we can have these things blocking our way from our precious moments, we can still fight against all of those factors. If you truly consider a moment in your life to be precious then you have the responsibility to fight for those moments. If we don't fight for those moments, how are we suppose to experience those precious moments in our life ever again? Thinking about our past moments and treasuring them for what they are worth is one thing but to experience them again is better than any of those things combine.

Life can be unfair sometimes, but that shouldn't stop you from fighting against all the complications for all those precious moments that life have to offer. Creating new precious moments in your life is also important because the more precious moments that you create within yourself the more you are enjoying life. Although, this can also mean that you will have more moments to fight for, but if those moments are truly consider precious to you then they are well worth the amount of time you spent fighting to experience those moments again.

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