Friday, October 1, 2010

Response to "Superman can't fly"

This is something that I found on Peter's blog that I thought was interesting to talk about:
What happen to a superman if he can't fly? Would he still try to help people out even though it is more dangerous than before? What is the definition of a "superman"
What interest me in a superhero is not their power, but their will to stand up for what is right. Peter asked if superman can't fly, would he still try to help people out even though it is more dangerous before? My answer to that question is of course superman will continue to help people. Danger is not a obstacle for standing up for what is right, the sense of justice is much greater than any danger. The reason why I think Superman started to help save people in the first place is that he is determine to bring justice to the world, and is willing to go against all odds to help save people.

In my opinion, "superheroes" doesn't just exist in comics and cartoons, but they also exist in real life. Anybody can become a "superhero", but they must have the will to stand up what for is right. There is a different between a "Superhero" compared to just a "hero". I think the difference is that a superhero is willing to help and save everybody around them while a hero is just a person that just help save a individual life. When a person is willing to save everybody around them and anybody that is in the need of saving is consider to be a "superman" in my eyes.

In conclusion, I don't think it really matter if superman can fly or not. His flame of justice would continue to lit on no matter if he loses his super powers or not. It might just make it harder for him to beat up bad guys and stuff, but it doesn't change the fact that he would always continue to help save people. Having super powers is not something that automatically entitles you as a "superhero"and it doesn't enable you to be able save people right away. You have to have the will to help save people,and the feeling of never giving up on the people around you in order to become a true hero.

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