Friday, October 8, 2010

Response to "Why Waking up Early is Best"

This is something that I found in one of
Jasiu's blog that I thought was interesting to talk about:
Time is precious and we should try to never waste it. Unfortunately many of us do waste it and large amounts of it. Whenever we have days off school or work, we usually want to sleep in and stay in bed for a few more hours. Some of us even remain in bed until noon time and even beyond.
I agree with Jasiu about how time is precious and we should not waste it on sleep. Time is one of those things that we can't get back no matter what we do. As much as I hate to admit it, sleeping is not worth wasting our time away at all. I love to sleep, but I realize that it is important to manage the amount of sleep that we get in order to use our time to do something more effective and more productive.

Jasiu also mentioned about how waking up early has many benefits. One specific benefit that he mentioned was that waking up early helps you create a productive and successful life. Although this maybe true, waking up early is harder than it sounds. For me, I have a really hard time waking up early in the morning. People may say that setting a alarm or something can help solve this problem, but alarm doesn't always work. I even used three alarms once (my alarm clock, my cell phone, and my ipod) to wake me up, and it didn't work at all. All of the alarm went off, I just simply snooze right through them.

Whenever I wake up in the morning, I feel incredibly weak. My body have to struggle to get up, and my brain constantly keep telling me to go back to sleep. The only way for me to get up, and not struggle is when I realize i'm going to be late for school. I usually wake up around 7:50 a.m., and when that happens, my brain would suddenly click and I would start rushing to get dress, use the restroom, grab a piece of toast or something and quickly rush out of the door. It is lucky for me to live close to ASTI because if I didn't, I would practically be late for school every single day.

After reading Jasiu's blog, I realize that I need to start making my life more productive and not waste my time by sleeping. I feel that the benefits of waking early is something that I should really strive for in life. In order for me to succeed such a task, I have to create a stability of waking up earlier each morning.

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